
Frequently asked questions

  • How much is shipping?

    Our shipping rates for anywhere in Australia are as follows:

    • $10.95 AUD for a small package (0 > 1.5kg)
    • $14.95 AUD for a medium package (1.5kg > 3kg)
    • $19.95 AUD for a large package (3kg +)

    Our system estimates the weight and assigns a flat rate to it. We also ship to USA, Canada & New Zealand, however these shipping rates are calculated at checkout. You can read more on our Delivery & Shipping Policy

product description

- **Guinea Pig and Rabbit Playpen Fence Door**: Crafted from durable iron, this door offers exceptional stability and a smooth surface for easy usage.

- **C&C Cage Fencing Door**: Featuring a simple piece design, this door is easy to install and use, allowing you to easily control the entry and exit of your guinea pigs and rabbits.
- **Rabbit and Guinea Pig Door**: Built to resist wear and breakage, this door is highly practical with excellent texture and durability.
- **Metal Exercise Fence Door**: Design a unique entryway for your pets with this door, ensuring a great user experience.
- **C&C Cage Door**: With a well-structured, efficient, and practical design, this door is breathable and resistant to damage.

100% custom &
made with love.
Over 1,000 positive
customer reviews
handmade products
Trusted family owned
Australian business



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