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  • How much is shipping?

    Our shipping rates for anywhere in Australia are as follows:

    • $10.95 AUD for a small package (0 > 1.5kg)
    • $14.95 AUD for a medium package (1.5kg > 3kg)
    • $19.95 AUD for a large package (3kg +)

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product description

Teacup c&c nibble guards

- Each strip is 35cm long.

Benefits to enhance your cage

- Prevents guinea pigs and rabbits from chewing the exposed corflute edges.
- Edging fits securely over our corflute, making it difficult for your pet to remove.
- Attractive appearance.
- Can be easily cut to size with a utility knife.

Pack of 10 Strips

**How Many You Will Need:**
- For a 2 x 1 enclosure - 6 strips.
- For a 2 x 2 enclosure - 8 strips.
- For a 2 x 3 enclosure - 10 strips.
- For a 2 x 4 enclosure - 12 strips.
- For a 2 x 5 enclosure - 14 strips.
- For a 2 x 6 enclosure - 16 strips.

Available Colours:
- White
- Black

- Note: You may need to trim some pieces for specific sections if you wish to cover the entire enclosure.

100% custom &
made with love.
Over 1,000 positive
customer reviews
handmade products
Trusted family owned
Australian business



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